Vip Bola Senja Id Password

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You can log in to all RMIT systems – including your RMIT email, campus WiFi, myTimetable, Enrolment Online, Canvas, myDesktop and myRMIT – using the following details:

Logging in for the first time? See below for instructions on how to log in for the first time, create your password and set up your self-service details.

Your RMIT email address is the letter 's' followed by your student number (excluding any additional letters) and ‘’.

Example: [email protected]

You’ll find your student number in your RMIT enrolment email.

Your RMIT ID is the letter 's' followed by your student number (excluding any additional letters).

You’ll find your student number in your RMIT enrolment email.

To access all RMIT systems, you will need to use a password that you create. Your password will be used for all RMIT systems.

Are you new to RMIT? See below for instructions on how to log in for the first time, create your password and set up your self-service password reset details.

Logged in before and need to change or reset your password? Use the buttons under Manage password at the top of this page.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required when logging in to most RMIT systems and applications. This increases our cyber security and further protects RMIT's systems.

You must register for MFA on your device or you will not be able to access the systems and applications that require MFA.

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